vendredi 19 octobre 2018

Hope and belief.

Thursday, September, 18th, 2018.

Who is there when you need it the most ? Who is by your side as your world breaks down ? Who hold your hand when you feel alone ? Who is cleaning your tears when you are crying on your own in the bathroom ? Who is hugging you, whose arms are here when you are breaking apart ? Who is the only person who gets you, who understands what you're going through ? YOU.
You are.
You are the only person by your side, every second, every minute, every day of your life.

You didn’t make it here, to only make it here.

You didn’t braved all those dangers, conqueered all those fears, just to be here. You were meant for more, for much more, for deepper pleasure, for greatter happiness. Believe it. You have to, because if you don’t, who will ?

Life is like a walk in the nature. And you didn’t made it though the dark, through that thick forest where you though you were lost forever, you didn’t dronw in that river, that ocean of doubts and fears, you didn't survived all of this to only come here, to only make it here. You were and you are destined to great joy, and pure love. Love of a friend, love of a family, love of a partner, love of a child, whatever LOVE means to you, and whatever life has in store for you.

Is that what we call "hope" ? Is that how we make it through life ? Is that the point ? Believe that someday it will be different, life will feel lighter, every breath won't be as hard, every though won't be so dark, every heartbeat won't be so painful ?

I don't have all the answers, and I don't know if I really want them, but what I do know is that life can't be this, it can not be so hard and difficult. Call me an utopist, call me a little girl, but I choose to have hope and to believe that one day I will look back on my life and I will be able to say "I made it". I believe that one day happy kids will be running next to me and that the hand of an incredible man will be in mine. And I believe that every hard, dark moment will be on the past and I will be able to say that it was all worth it. After all, those moments made the women I am today and I love her. She made the best with what she had and even through she took breaks and she cried and she doubted, she made it, she never quitted.

To everyone out there that is suffering, I understand, and if there is one thing that I can promise is that behind every storm there is the sun, there is happiness, there is LOVE.
So please believe it, and never stop fighting, never quit. You will make it to the sunny days and you will be proud of you. It is all going to be worth it.
Believe it.

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